Sunday, August 22, 2010

birthday boy

On Friday, Kyler turned EIGHT! He was very excited for his birthday! It was sort of a bummer that he had to go to school all day.....I guess that's what happens when you get to be so big! :)

Kyler is our easy-going, laid back, hard-working buddy and we love our Kyler Neil! I had a golf outing for work, so Kyler spent his birthday evening golfing! It was fun just getting "Kyler-time" and I think he enjoyed getting mom & dad all to himself! Of course, I had to take advantage of the beautiful flowers along the course! Kyler is such a good sport that he's always willing to smile for pictures!

Happy 8th birthday, Kyler! We love you SO much!!

Some lovin' from his little bro. :)

Still just as sweet but all grown up!

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