I thought it would be a good idea to get out and do something with the fam to enjoy this gorgeous weather on Saturday. We decided to head to Backbone State Park to hike a little and enjoy the beautiful fall leaves.
Of course, I always want to capture the moment with photos, and this time was no different...
There were way more drop-offs than I remember. I think I was yelling at Myles to "slow down" the whole time...
Jazzy looked so cute and small with the Moby wrap on Kyle!
Okay - so the only really bad part of the day was the ride there. We were about 10 minutes from Backbone, when a wasp flew into the van and stung me on my middle knuckle.
By the time we got to the park, I was itching all over the place. I didn't think much of it and thought it was just from being in a hot van (our air doesn't work). We drove around the park a little bit and finally parked so I could feed Jazlyn and the big kiddos and Kyle explored a cave. Well, as I was feeding Jaz, the itching got worse. My eyes itched, my scalp, my stomach, my back....basically everywhere! As I sat and fed Jazzy in the van, I started to feel weird and was shivering. At that point I realized I was having a reaction to the wasp sting and was a little freaked out, since I was alone with a 3 month old in the van. Thoughts were already racing in my mind that I would just shut the van door if I started to feel worse so that no one would take Jazlyn if I happened to pass out (or worse!). Terrible thoughts - I know (I think I tend to overreact). Anyway, Kyle gets back to the van and is pretty freaked out. Afterwards, he told me that he thought my eyes were going to start bleeding. Yikes. Here are a few pictures of my stomach and back at that point. Just ignore the post-baby fat. It definitely is much harder to lose the 5th time!
Although we probably should have headed home, or to a hospital at that point, we ended up staying and hiking for another hour or so. Little by little, I started to feel better, but still itched a lot and looked nasty. Still had time for some more cute pictures...
When we got home, my mom gave me some clay that is definitely healing clay. She has researched it a lot, and it's purest form is found in Israel. She encouraged me to take a bath in it and soak. I was still blotchy, red, and bumpy when I took a bath that evening. Within 2 hours of the bath, it was completely gone and it looked like it never happened. Amazing! What a day!!!! Definitely will be heading to the doctor's office to get one of those pens just in case this ever happens again.
Quite a scary experience but so thankful that everything turned out okay! And I think the kiddos & Kyle had a pretty great day too. :)